10 Ways to Stay Motivated at Work

Sara DeLaVergne headshot 2022The workday is filled with a wide variety of tasks, inbound emails, and lengthy meetings that may or may not be productive. With colleagues, clients, and managers all vying for a chunk of your time, it can be all too easy to lose track of long-term goals, and even short-term projects. Staying on track and focused is more important than ever in attaining your own career goals, as well as keeping motivated and maintaining daily productivity.

Let’s take a look at some helpful tips to help you stay motivated, and on task, at work.

  1. Create a Big Goal. 

    Knowing where you want to be in the future is critical in planning how to actually get there. Put this goal in writing to properly visualize it, and keep in mind this is your overall target. You likely won’t consider this mission accomplished for many months, or even years in some cases. Consider this your endgame, the light at the end of the tunnel, or even the next big stepping stone in your career. 

  2. Start with Small Steps to Achieve it. 

    A target to achieve down the road is a great way to stay focused on the long term but what about the here and now? Take time to identify a few ways that could help you accomplish your “big goal.” These tasks should be easy to identify, as well as easy to accomplish. In most cases, these projects will not take more than a few days/weeks to execute or deliver but can make a huge impact on how you view your progress toward your goals.  

  3. Reward Yourself for Accomplishing Small Tasks. 

    Completing the small things is nothing to snub your nose at! Rome wasn’t built in a day after all. Establishing a foundation for your “big goal” by completing these tasks is paramount to your future successes however remembering to reward yourself after the small projects is key to keeping a positive mindset about your overall goals. This could be as small as allowing yourself a snack break between tasks, a quick walk to clear your mind, or a few minutes on social media – just remember to switch your brain back to work mode when your reward is over! 

  4. Eliminate Less Favorable Tasks First. 

    It might not seem like the best way to start the day at first but getting the projects that you least enjoy performing out of the way early then frees up your mind to think about the more important, and likely more enjoyable tasks that lay ahead of you. Consider ordering them from quickest tasks to longest tasks, or even vice-versa, and remember to reward yourself incrementally for completing projects! 

  5. Self-Educate/Skills Growth. 

    Performing the same task and functions day in and day out can get stale. Reinvigorate your workplace enthusiasm by learning a new skill that can be utilized in your current, or even future, role. By making the effort to learn something new, you’re shaking up your routine a little and activating areas in your brain that may have been dormant for a while. If you’re not sure what to learn, observe a more tenured colleague, or even an executive individual whose work ethic you admire, to identify you could build upon. Podcasts, webinars, books, and conferences are great resources for self-educators, and provide great opportunities to gain perspective from industry experts as well. 

  6. Schedule a Check-in with your Manager.

    Be sure to communicate future career goals and plans. Support from management can make a world of difference when you’re making strides toward a larger goal. Your manager may even be impressed that you’ve taken the initiative to drive your own career instead of punching a time-card. They may have tips, tricks, or resources to impart that can make your job, and your goals, more easily achievable.

  7. Find a Tenured Mentor.   

    Like self-educating and skills growth, locating a mentor that can teach you new skills, introduce you to new networks, and test your latent abilities can not only help you grow as an employee but help you identify long-term goals as well. Experiencing different aspects of your organization may enlighten you to roles and positions you’d like to perform in the future.

  8. Find Motivated, Positive Colleagues and Integrate.

    You know what they say, negativity breeds animosity. Well, this has become a saying for good reason. You’ll likely find that when you engage in negative workplace conversations, be it about the workplace itself, or a negative outlook in general, you’re less inclined to have a positive outlook yourself, even if you’re not struggling. By surrounding yourself with motivated, positive colleagues, you’ll find it easier to maintain a positive mentality as well as the motivation to keep at a tedious task long after your desire to complete it has run dry. In addition, motivated colleagues may challenge each other to perform better.  

  9. Take a Break. 

    Remember to take time for yourself. Burning the candle at both ends isn’t going to push you closer to your goal, only closer to burnout. Be sure to spend your breaks in positive, affirming ways. Take a walk outside to get fresh air and sunshine, schedule a workout, or even a fun lunch with friends to look forward to later in the week. Work isn’t your entire life, and sometimes we just need to take a step back for a moment to be able to return to a project or task with a clear, focused mind. Taking a short break can also be a reward for accomplishing a small task! 

  10. Stay Positive. 

    It’s easier said than done but maintaining a positive outlook about your career, colleagues, managers, and the organization you work for, will help you make the most of every day, and it will make a lasting impression on your coworkers. Negativity will isolate you from your coworkers, while positivity will cultivate a productive and enjoyable environment for everyone. 


Stay Motivated at Work with BANKW Staffing

While none of these are fool-proof tips to help you stay motivated at work, implementing one or two of the above, like writing your goals or tasks down to visualize what your day will look like, can make a significant difference in how you experience your day.

If you find that maintaining a positive mentality is a challenge, even after implementing the above tips into your routine, perhaps it’s time to find a new and stimulating career path. Connect with BANKW Staffing and affiliates today to meet with a recruiting agent and discuss your career path!   


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Through its portfolio companies, KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting, Alexander Technology Group, The Nagler Group, Sales Search Partners, and KNF&T Staffing Resources, BANKW Staffing, LLC is the leading regional provider of temporary and direct-hire staffing services in the areas of finance, accounting, information technology, office and administration, legal, human resources, and sales.

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